May 9, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 1

So, my friend Stephanie has been doing this 30 day challenge in her blog lately. I think she's at day 16. It's interesting to learn things about my friend who I've known since childhood. And it's kind of fun knowing I will have something new to read every single day for once. My aunt has been getting on me for being so lazy and not writing much this past year, so I thought I'd steal Steph's idea and take up the challenge myself.

I won't lie: I'm a little worried that I won't be up to the challenge. It turns out that married life is a lot more busy and exhausting than I expected. Bedtime has become earlier, my evenings are spent actually doing "stuff", and my alarm has gone off EVERY MORNING (yes, even Saturdays!) at 6:45 am. And I thought I didn't have time to write while I was dating Jeff. . .

But I'm going to give it a very good try and hope that I can get myself into the habit of taking a little time every night before going to bed to jot down a little something. Maybe after 30 days, I'll be able to keep up with the daily life writing again.

So, here we go. Challenge #1 asks for 15 interesting facts about myself. I'll give you 15 facts and you can decide if they are interesting:

1. I like things to match. And I mean, I like EVERYTHING to match: my socks, my furniture, my book collections, my dishes. It's one of my quirks that is taking Jeff a little time to adjust to. Right now he finds it a charming quirk. Hopefully he continues to see it that way. . .

2. I have a long-standing and ever constant battle with anxiety and depression. I've actually been on Prozac for about three and a half years and Welbutrin for about a year and a half now. It's taken a lot of hard work, but I'm finally starting to understand my symptoms, my times, and what I can do to help pull me out of it a bit quicker. But it's still a battle and one I will probably deal with forever.

3. My favorite food is Mexican. Tacos, enchiladas, nachos, burritos, churros. . . yum!

4. I'm apt to choose a salty snack over a sweet one almost every time. Unless brownies are one of the choices. Then it's a whole different story for my taste buds.

5. I hate camping. But I love Jeff enough to keep trying.

6. I recently discovered I have an allergy to buckwheat. Which is very sad because I absolutely adore buckwheat pancakes.

7. I like being left alone, but not necessarily ALL alone. I don't mind (and sometimes even prefer) for someone to be in the room, but not talking to me (unless that someone is in an angry silence. Then I hate having them around).

8. I change my perfume everytime I change boyfriends. I guess I should really be writing this one in past tense since I will have no more boyfriends from here on out. But the reason I did this is because smell is the most powerful trigger of memories, so I would change perfumes so as not to bring an ex into the next relationship. To be honest, I was beginning to worry that I would run out of pleasant scents. But luckily, Jeff solved that problem. And in case you're wondering, the scent I chose with Jeff (and therefore will probably be my fragrance for life) is Japanese Cherry Blossom.

9. I hate Georgia the way most New Yorkers hate New Jersey. I don't know why, and I don't really care. That's just the way it is.

10. I have a hard time with change. It makes the whole settling into marriage thing a challenge. But as hard as change is for me, I hate boring routines and the same-old, same-old even more. So I have to accept it, even if it is a bit grudgingly.

11. The only current events I bother to listen to come from the "Jon Stewart Minute" on my radio station. At least I can laugh for a moment when he comments about something happening in the world of politics and foreign affairs. The news in general just depresses me, so I refuse to watch it.

12. I own 43 pairs of shoes. And yes, that's after I gave away about a dozen so that my new husband would have room in our closet for his few pairs. But that's not going to stop me from buying more. Pink sandals are very much desired at the moment and I've been given the okay to order them. Yay!

13. Sometimes I'd rather cheer for the bad guy. But only the really smart, very clever ones, of course. If they are brilliant, they should be cheered for. At least in my mind.

14. I've been scrapbooking since before it became a super hobby. I picked it up in college, as a way to share my strange new life with my two younger brothers back at home. My first scrapbooks were made with construction paper, some Crayola markers, and generic Wal-Mart stickers.

15. My biggest fear is that I will fail as a wife. It's the title I've wanted for so long and now that I have it, I worry that I'll end up disappointing my husband. More than anything, I want to be the woman and wife that Jeff deserves, because he's been so  much more to me than I could ever express.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I didn't know about the buckwheat, but I'm happy to find that otherwise I know you pretty well!
I'm glad you're giving this a try! You are such a good writer!