May 18, 2011

Day 10: One Day From Beginning To End

I have to apologize, but unfortunately this challenge had to happen on the most boring day of my week. So, as hard as I try, I know this one won't be all that interesting. At least I'll try to avoid the true redundancy of my day (paperwork, answer phone, more paperwork, hand out a check, more paperwork, answer the phone, hand out another check, answer the phone again, more paperwork. . .  you get the idea). But here you go, a Wednesday in the life of Deema:

* Jeff's alarm goes off and wakes us up. He gets up, I stay in bed.
* Wake up enough to kiss my husband good-bye and wish him a good day.
* My alarm goes off and I ignore it for as long as possible.
* Finally drag my tired butt out of my nice, warm, comfy bed.
* Blurry-eyed, I find some kind of outfit that matches. 
* Make the bed
* Brush my hair and teeth and take my handful of medication.
* Grab an apple and some noodles for lunch and run out the door.
* Drive to work while listening to the radio. Complain that the 8 @ 8 is 2 minutes early (today's theme is the 31st anniversary of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens)
* Arrive at work
* Open the office (get checks out of safe, unlock file cabinets, turn on computer)
* Start the morning with an employment verification by phone. Fun.
* Work on overtime timesheets for current payroll.
* Get irritated with the Union Dues Billing person.
* Spend 2 minutes talking with Esperanza while oatmeal cooks. Realize something I hadn't considered about Jeff. Mental note to talk to him later tonight about it.
* Get frustrated when the new payroll system won't let me log in. Stupid computer!
* Struggle with an overpayment figure.
* Temporarily have trouble locating a paycheck because I look in the M's for Norris. Duh!
* Run down to the "dungeon" (file archives) to find a couple of files. Can only find one. Turns out the other is filed upstairs in with the current files.
* Stop what I'm working on to do another employment verification on the phone.
* Hand out several more checks.
* Forget I had put letterhead in the printer and have to reprint my document again. Doh!
* Fax in some written verifications.
* Call hubby to have him pick up some items for dinner tonight.
* Yet another employment verification.
* Research an overpayment situation. Try to figure out how to explain it without saying "it's your own dumb fault!" Can't come up with a polite response, so I pass it over to Sherri to explain.
* Lunchtime (finally!)
* Eat thai noodles and an apple while spending some brainless time on facebook.
* Grudgingly return to work.
* Have a conversation with Sherri about my "creative input methods". If I'm going to do it wrong, I should at least do it consistently wrong.
* Wonder how someone who hasn't made a timesheet since February can expect me to have a paycheck for him.
* Much needed bathroom break (too much water during the morning part of my day!)
* Set up some new employees in the system.
* Seriously consider shredding all the papers on my desk, but reconsider for the sake of my job. Try to decide which pile to tackle next.
* Enter the last minute jobs that just came in.
* Help someone trying to remember her dates of employment.
* Walk out to the copier to make copies of jobs just entered to be mailed to the employees for their records.
* Experience extreme disappointment when I look at the clock and see it's only 3:00 and I still have two hours to fill.
* Go through today's mail.
* Make some hot tea to break up the boringness of the water I've been drinking.
* Realize my phone's camera no longer works as a result of my phone's wild ride through the washing machine in the pocket of my sweatshirt a few weeks ago. Sad.
* Add up and enter timesheets for current pay period.
* Go on a hunt for something sweet. Find dark chocolate covered almonds at Ruby's desk.
* Alphabetize the stuff entered today for Sherri to check tomorrow.
* Attempt to take my cup back to the kitchen but get stopped by several people wanting to get checks.
* Try again, this time successfully, to leave my box. Wash my cup and put away. Return just in time to hand out yet another check.
* Wonder if the clock on my computer is broken because it says it's only 4:17.
* Start setting up stack of special assignments even though that payroll doesn't run for another few weeks.
* Finally hear other people leaving. Turn off computer, put checks back in safe, lock file cabinets.
* Drive home, somehow managing to miss the usual bad traffic.
* Arrive home 5 minutes early.
* Start making dinner. Have to go with plan B since husband wasn't able to get everything I needed for my first idea. Love him anyway for trying.
* Watch two episodes of How I Met Your Mother with Jeff while eating dinner.
* Enjoy some quiet alone time while Jeff goes out to the gym. Find a new game to play on the computer (yeah, that's all I need).
* Watch the season finale of Criminal Minds with Jeff.
* Take a few minutes to post my boring day on my blog for the daily challenge.
* Turn off downstairs lights and double check the locks on the door. Head upstairs where my husband is reading and waiting for me.
* Brush my teeth.
* Crawl into bed. Talk to Jeff a little about our day and some of the stuff we've been thinking about.
* Kiss him goodnight and turn off the light. Drift off to sleep and wait for tomorrow to come.

1 comment:

Heather♥ said...

Dear Deema,
You should really be a writer! I love your style and your stories flow very well. You have a great sense of humor which is one of my favorite parts because my favorite authors are always the ones who so wittingly blend humor with drama. Lastly, the more I learn about you, the more I love that you are in our family :)