May 17, 2011

Day 9: The iPod Shuffle

My music selections are pretty random and diverse. Most of the stuff I listen to no one I know recognizes. This is either because I'm listening to kiddie-pop (love those Disney/Nickelodeon kids!) or I'm listening to brand new stuff that just came out. My radio station has this feature called "New Music Heaven" where every week they feature a new song from a new or lesser known artist or band. They've been doing it for about a year and a half now, and every Wednesday, they provide a link to download the song they are featuring that week. So, every week, my music playlist gets updated by at least one new song that no one else has heard before (although sometimes they end up becoming popular and get heard on several stations, in which case I can proudly say, "I had that song before it was overplayed!"). So putting my music on "shuffle" always brings up an interesting variety of songs:

1. The Frog Prince -- Keane
2. Funhouse -- Pink
3. It's Alright, It's Okay -- Ashley Tisdale  (Disney artist)
4. Get Some -- Lykke Li  (New Music Heaven)
5. Wicked Blood -- Sea Wolf  (Yay! This is one of my favorites from the New Music Heaven bunch. I love this one!)
6, Post Break-Up Sex -- The Vaccines  (New Music Heaven)
7. Raining Sunshine -- Miranda Cosgrove  (Nickelodeon artist)
8. Gives You Hell - All-American Rejects
9. In Your Heart -- A Place to Bury Strangers  (Why do I even have this song on here? Sure, it's one of the New Music Heaven songs, but everytime it plays I think "I don't even like this one". Yet I never take it off. Strange)
10. Broken Toy -- Keane  (Hmm, bookending my list with Keane. . . not intentional, but pretty cool.)

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