May 14, 2011

Day 6: Somewhere I've Traveled To

This is probably the easiest and most convenient challenge for me. It just so happens that I recently traveled and since I'm sure people would like to hear at least a little about it, this is the perfect opportunity for me to share. Yay for easy for once!

For our honeymoon, my only request to Jeff was "somewhere warm". He did wonderfully; we went to Catalina Island in California.

Catalina was beautiful. The weather was warm, but not hot. It was perfect for wearing a sundress, but not having to worry about my hair going limp or my make-up melting off my face. I even got a sunburn on my shoulders on the first day (silly me, I'm so used to our cloudy northwestern sky that I forgot that California requires sunscreen until it was too late). No worries, though; my very smart husband was prepared with the Aloe to sooth the burn and sunscreen to keep it from getting worse in the following days.

We spent four nights in the cozy and quaint Glenmore Plaza hotel. It was so cute. Our room was painted purple! It was the coolest room ever! They weren't quite so modern as most hotels around here. They used actual keys in the doors instead of the electronic kind, so Jeff and I had to come and go together so that we didn't accidentally lock one another out of the room. Our room was on the fourth floor and they didn't have an elevator, so we walked three flights every time we wanted to do something. I tried to look at it as I was free to eat whatever junk I wanted (we found THE BEST hot dog place while there!) and returning to our room would burn the calories right off of me. :)

The sky and water were shades of blue that took my breath away. Even after almost a week of viewing it, I couldn't stop commenting on the beauty of it all. The island was so small and everything was so close that we didn't even feel the need to rent a golf cart (cars are scarce on the island. There's a five year waiting list to bring one on). We ate at many neat restaurants, took a glass-bottom boat and a bus tour, did karaoke two nights, and scoured all the shops for some great souvenirs. There was a little crafting store right across from our hotel where Jeff actually let me loose to find the perfect items for my honeymoon scrapbook. Oh, how I am looking forward to starting it!

The island was a perfect get away for two honeymooners just getting used to their new roles as husband and wife. Jeff and I will definitely find an opportunity to return sometime.

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