Feb 28, 2011

License to Marry

Jeff and I went to get our marriage license today! It's strange how exciting such little (and somewhat mundane) things can end upu being. I took off from work early because they are only open Monday-Friday 8-5, which is of course my work schedule too. Jeff came to my office and got me around 2:30.

I'm not sure why, but I was really nervous. My knees were weak, my stomach was woozy, and I was having a little trouble breathing. I tried to remind myself that there was nothing to be nervous about; no test is required and they weren't going to tell us "no".

Neither of us thought to bring our camera, so we had to use my camera phone to get a picture of us while we waited. The first one I took was a terrible composition for a photo, but it pretty much showed our emotions at that moment:

How can he be so calm? Why couldn't I be like that. I decided my hand was shaking too much to get a good photo, so he took over: 

Finally we got it. It really didn't take a long time. We were in and out in less than half an hour, which was nice. Later we stopped by his folk's house to get a good picture of us and our pretty certificate.

And in case you are wondering, yes, the stomach and breathing went back to normal when it was all over. 

1 comment:

viluinen said...

You wanna know what happened with our marriage license? We forgot to apply for it! :D Our pastor mentioned it at the rehearsal. The marriage WHAT?! We ran to the office and applied. So my knees were kind of weak when we went to get the license, too. Not because it was such a big deal to me, but because we didn't have permission to get married and the wedding was planned to take place in two days :D.

Our official wedding date is the day after our wedding. Oh, well.