May 20, 2011

Day 12: The Highs and Lows of the Year

Lucky for me, this one is going to be short and sweet. I had an unusually happy and carefree year this past year. I didn't really have many lows and if I did, the highs overshadowed them to the point that they are not even in my memory. And trust me, it's not like I haven't tried to remember. But this is really what I remember of the past year:

The Lows (as far as I can recall):
-- DJ moving back out of town so I can no longer see him all the time.
-- Derrick moving out so I hardly ever see him anymore.
-- Jade moving with Derrick so I hardly see her anymore.

The Highs:
-- Steph and her kids moving across the courtyard so I can see them more often.
-- Meeting Jeff.
-- Dating Jeff.
-- Getting engaged.
-- Marrying Jeff (of course! The biggest high of them all!)

It's amazing to me what a difference a year can make. 

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