Aug 31, 2009

Here We Go Again

It seems that I have discovered the trigger to "mandemonium", at least for me. The trick seems to be as simple as developing an interest (however small and superficial) on someone else. Then BAM, boys coming out of the woodwork!

Not even 24 hours after I made the declaration about having a crush (which, by the way, has predictably faded as quickly as it began) and it started. Suddenly, once again, I am the most interesting girl around. I swear, they are EVERYWHERE!

This time, it even seems to be coming from all over the country. Thanks to facebook, the power of mandemonium becomes a global event. Suddenly friends of friends and friends of their friends have access to the phenomenon and the usual rain of interest grows to a torrential downpour of potentials.

Am I complaining? Not really.

I was contacted last week by an old flame from the way distant past. It's been nice catching up with him again. We've spent a lot of time this week emailing, im-ing and texting. Staying in contact over long distance is a whole lot easier than when we first tried (and failed). I'm looking forward to catching up face to face in a couple of weeks. He's a VERY sweet guy and I was sorry that things didn't work out with us way back then.

And the repeat offender, you ask? Yes, of course he's suddenly all interested in me again. It can't ever be simple for me, why would you even think otherwise? Don't worry, I already put my foot down and told him he was not going to do to me what he did last time (those of you who weren't directly involved in my "Best Year Ever" probably have no idea what I'm refering to and I apologize that I won't be offering details. Suffice to say, it's a simple case of "I don't want you, but I don't want someone else to have you either.") I gave him one chance to "speak now or forever hold your peace." He had nothing to offer me, so as far as I'm concerned, no response is response enough.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Bravo! I'm glad the boys are coming out of the woodwork for you. That's awesome.