Aug 11, 2009

A Day at the Fair

The Clark County Fair is one of my all-time favorite events around here. I'm not quite sure why exactly, since I've never been a 4-H person, couldn't care less about most of the exhibits, and am picky about which rides I choose to ride on (if any at all). I do love to eat at the fair (that's the main reason I go, in fact), but I suppose if I really wanted to, I could find the same foods elsewhere and for probably a lot cheaper price.

Yet, every year I wait anxiously to attend the fair.

Derrick and I have started a tradition of going together. It kind of happened by accident but worked out so conveniently that we've maintained the routine. We always invite our friends to join us and rarely hang out for very long together, but we do catch up with each other for random events (like the pig races!) and the whole crew of us squeeze into the little photo tent to get our button made. This year there were 11 of us!

Barb and Kristina and I like to wander around and check out the animals and crafts and stuff. And eat (okay, that's mostly me, but they do a bit of it too). Derrick, Jimmy and Jackie like to spend the day on the whirly rides. So that no one has to miss out on anything, my friends and I usually take Jimmy and Jackie's kids with us, but this year Damien was old enough to ride some of the rides too, so we just had the girl. And Kristina's little guy.

As usual, there was plenty to see and even more to eat. My favorite thing at the fair is by far the pig racing (Derrick and Damien both got a ribbon for betting on winning pigs), but this year we also had Medieval Jousting which was a ton of fun to watch.

And I did get on one ride. Derrick wanted someone to go on it with him and neither of his friends wanted to do it. It didn't take much persuasion to get me on it(something along the lines of "Deema, you want to ride the slingshot ride with me?" to which I answered "absolutely!"). None of my friends would have done it either, so I'm glad that Derrick and I were there together.

The ride was not near as scary as it looks. Course, I've also jumped from a plane....

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