Aug 6, 2009

The Bottom-Half Car Wash

Yesterday was the college's annual "Bottom-Half Car Wash". It's a fund raiser for Child and Family Studies. I always mean to get over there to support them, but I never get the chance. So I made a point to get over there yesterday.

It's such a fun experience. The kids come out and wash the car for you (hence the "bottom-half" getting done better than the top). The teachers supervise to make sure that no damage happens to the vehicle (and to take care of washing the unreachable parts - like the hood).

All the kids in the program participate, from the toddlers to the school aged. The toddlers had just finished a car when I got there (now that's a true "bottom-half" wash!) so the grade schoolers took mine.

It felt a little strange to watch the little ones working for me. I felt like some child labor lord, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves and it was for a good cause, so I just stood back and watched.

My car had been needing a bath in a bad way. It felt so much better after getting washed.

See how pretty? Except for the badly missed spot on the door. But that's what happens when you use cheap labor.

When I got home, I pulled out a sponge and some soap and water and got the missed spots. It only took a few minutes and it made me chuckle, so it's all good.

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