Jan 1, 2010

Welcome 2010

Another year has begun. Another chance for us to make those promises that we'll forget within the next couple of weeks. Yep, another year.

I'm not sure I'm really as cynical as I sound. I've never been a huge fan of New Year's, but I can't say that this year (at least) I have any negative feelings for it. I'm even toying with the idea of making a resolution or two this year. Usually when people ask me what my resolution is, I say "to start smoking." It always throws them off and they ask "to start smoking?" My logic is that most people fail to accomplish their resolutions, so either I will succeed and be proud of my hard work or I will fail and keep my healthy lungs. Either way, I'm happy. It's a win-win situation. One of the few I ever find myself in.

And in case you're wondering, I always fail on that resolution because I can't bring myself to start sucking on those nasty things. Guess I'll just have to settle for non-blackened lungs. . .

I'm not sure how the semi-tradition started, but for some reason, it always seems appropriate for our family to eat Chinese food on New Year's Eve. It's not an official tradition (last year I stayed at home and ate pizza), but it feels so natural, that I would almost swear it is. This year it was me, Mom, Don, Scott, and Colynn. We went to a little place not far from Grandma's house (where we had all happened to meet up) and had our fill of chicken, pork, beef, crab puffs, chow mein, and hot tea.

After dinner, Mom, Don and Scott headed to their house to do some Wii Sports until midnight and Colynn and I went back to her house and watched a couple of scary movies. We stopped long enough to count down to midnight with Carson Daly and toast with our wine coolers and then finished filling our brains with images of evil children.

It was a pretty good evening. It was nice to not be alone and also not have to go out and be with a bunch of people. And it's always nice to get the chance to watch scary movies with someone who also enjoys watching them too.

So, here's to another new year. May it be the best one yet.


Steph said...

Scary movies - bleh! You can have them all to yourself, you crazy lady! :)

Dean said...

Happy New Year!!!

With so many people dropping their blogs for FaceBook, I'm so glad that you are keeping yours up. It makes me smile everytime I log on and see that you've posted something new. I'm looking forward to more advertures in 2010... especially though involving margaritas... hehehe