Jan 28, 2010

Life, or Something Like It

There are a few things that I really hate doing. Things such as:
  • washing the dishes
  • putting gas in the car
  • waiting for just about anything
  • being even remotely involved in any discussion that touches politics
  • admitting to anyone when I'm drowning financially
 I tell you this because I want you to understand how hard it is to write this now and to hopefully explain why it's taken so long to do so.

Life finally caught up with me last week and it came at me hard. I'm talking WWE champion punishing me for stealing his title belt hard. It beat me into an emotional heap of bloody hamburger. And now I'm sitting here waiting to hear if, and hopefully when, I'll be able to reclaim my missing car and wondering what else can be snatched out from under me before it's all finished.

Why can't life just be as simple as (b+2)/(b+3) + 1 = -7/(b-5) ? That I can figure out. When  did my life become more complicated than a college math class? It's just not right.

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