Jun 7, 2011

Day 30: What I've Learned About Me

Wow, 30 days already? And I actually made it. I'm sort of proud of myself.

So, what have I learned about myself in the past 30 days?
  • I learned that I actually can live my life AND keep my blog somewhat up-to-date
  • I learned that I really, really miss writing (I had suspected as much, but now I realize how much)
  • I learned that I don't always have to write something profound to be interesting.
  • I learned I think best at night before I go to bed (unfortunately, that's usually when I'm most tired too)
And on the non-blog related issues?
  • I learned that I actually like doing the domestic life things.
  • I learned that I enjoy cooking and don't mind doing the dishes.
  • I learned that I really need my "me" time sometimes.
  • I learned that it's possible to fight with Jeff and not feel any less close to him in the aftermath.
I probably learned a lot more about myself in the past month, but these are the things that really stick out to me. Now I have to figure out how to challenge myself to keep moving forward with all this new knowledge.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Congrats! We made it!