Jun 1, 2011

Day 24: The Last Random Act of Kindness I Encountered

Does it count if it was my husband? He doesn't think so, but sometimes I can't help but be overwhelmed at his kind and thoughtful ways toward me.

I know I mentioned this particular event on Facebook the other day, but it's such an amazing act of kindness (in my opinion) that it deserves being told again:

Jeff and I went to Sears to use some of the gift cards that we had gotten for the wedding. We debated between a power drill and a bedding set and finally settled on a bedding set (but we went back for his drill the next day). The cashier put the comforter-sheets-and-pillowcases set in the largest bag she could find and Jeff carried the awkward package out for me.

When we got outside the store, we saw it was pouring rain (gotta love our great Washington weather). We hadn't brought the umbrella because when we left the apartment, it was clear and dry. The car wasn't too far away, but we would be drenched when we got to it anyway.

Jeff told me to wait where I was (safe and dry under the stores awning) and he would go get the car and bring it to me. I remember thinking "Aw, what a sweet guy!" He left our bulky purchase with me and went out to brave the cold downpour of rain.

That's not the part that surprised me. As much as I appreciated it, it's what I expected any gentleman would do in that situation. No, the thing that got me was after he drove the car around to where I was waiting. I had picked up the bag and was ready to make the run to the car to throw it in the back seat before getting myself in the car when I saw his door open. Jeff jumped out of his seat, ran around the car (in the pouring rain!) and opened my door so that I only had to spend minimal time in the rain. He took the bag from me and put it in thte backseat and then ran around to his seat and got in.

I know, it doesn't seem like much, but Jeff had already braved the wet and was safe and warm in the car. I fully expected to take care of getting myself and the bag in the car on my own. I didn't expect him to give up his dryness once again just to keep me out of the rain as much as possible.

Jeff says that this shouldn't count as a "random act of kindness" because to him there was nothing random about it. It's what he thinks should always be done. He hates that I make a big deal of it, but to me it IS a big thing. Most guys I know (and pretty much all the ones I dated) would only have gone as far as bring the car over to me. After that, it would be every man for himself. But not Jeff. He's just so kind that way.

It's one of the things I love most about him.

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