Jun 3, 2011

Day 26: How I Think People View Me

How I think people view me? My best guess would be with their eyes. But then again, I could be wrong.

Oh, I suppose you're looking for something a bit more profound than that. Well, let me think. . .

I guess first of all, it depends on where you are and who you are asking. When I lived in Tennessee, people saw me as very liberal and kind of stuck up. But here in the Pacific Northwest, I'm seen as somewhat conservative and maybe a uncomfortable in situations.

I'm pretty sure, though, that most people will agree that they think I'm a little bit of a princess. Course, they don't mean it in a bad way; I can't tell you how many people have said that Giselle from Enchanted reminds them of me. That might be true, although I personally don't think I'm that bad.

I think some people probably think I'm a little high maintenance. My husband would tell you that I am a little needy at times. I try not to be, but I guess sometimes I just come across that way.

I'm also pretty sure that most people would say that they view me as a "fashionable" person. I'm not into name brands or keeping up with fashion trends, but according to most my friends, I have a good sense of style and I wear my clothes well. Most my friends and family think of shoes when they think of me. I'm probably the most girly person most my friends know. Is that good or bad? Sometimes I wonder if they see me as shallow and ditzy, something along the lines of a Clueless girl or Legally Blond type. Course, eventually she proved herself to be rather clever, so I guess that wouldn't be too bad.

Most people tell me that they think I'm very smart. I think in reality, I'm just pretending well because most of the time I don't feel as smart as they seem to expect me to be. But I'll take smart over ditzy any day. They think I'm creative and clever. Sometimes I feel like I'll disappoint them if they ever realize how hard some of it is for me.

Some of my friends might think I'm a little too adventurous. I sometimes have no problem going outside of their comfort zone just to try something new. I'm always careful, but I can rarely get my friends to come along with me, which tells me I'm just a little too extreme for them.

My husband sometimes views me as lazy. He's probably right and I try really hard not to be, but I just don't feel the need to do all the things he seems to think should be done sometimes. 

Kids like me, so I know that people have to see something really good in me. I know that almost everyone I'm around usually finds my humor at some point, and somehow everyone seems to get it. I wonder how many of them recognize that really I'm just sarcastic, but try to put a gentle spin on it? Maybe some people do recognize the sarcasm and think that I'm mean. I don't know, cuz they don't tell me that.

I'm better at answering how I hope they view me. I hope people see me as kind and loving, devoted to my friends and family, and reliable. I hope they think of me as giving. I hope when they think of me, it's as smart, fair, funny, gentle, and honest. I hope they see tolerance and non-conformity (at least in the mindless, follow-the-herd mentality). I hope when the time comes, people remember me for the version I try very hard to portray and not so much for the parts I see when I'm inside looking out.

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