Apr 10, 2009

Beginning Photography

My newest obsession is photography. I've decided that the best way to improve my scrapbooks is by learning to take better pictures. I've been paying close attention to what I'm doing when I use my camera, but still most my photos look average at best. So, I've decided to try taking some classes and/or getting a new camera. I've come to realize that the people who take the amazing pictures that I love to look at (yes, Riikka, I'm talking about you!) all have higher quality cameras, so maybe if I get one of those (and learn the proper way to use it) then maybe I'll be able to take up photography as a satisfying hobby.

Classes have been a bit hard to come by. I don't really have the money to take the ones offered at the community center and my tuition waiver for classes on campus is based on availability. Thanks to the state of the economy, enrollment has skyrocketed lately so there really isn't room for me in the classes here. So, I'm forced to teach myself. I did find an online course that offers "classes" that I only have to pay for once and then am free to revisit as often as necessary. It's five classes and I can take it at my own pace, so that's what I'm going to use to start out. It's a good thing that I'm good at learning on my own.

But I still need a camera. So, while I'm learning as much as I can intellectually (and practicing on a borrowed camera whenever the opportunity presents itself), I'm researching the cameras out there and saving up for when I find the one that fits my needs the best. It's the best I can do for now. I hope it won't take TOO long to save up the money. I would love to get a lot of my practice done outside in the sunny weather while I have the chance.

The following photos are my first attempt at playing with a Big Boy Camera. At this point, I haven't started the online course yet, so these are REALLY beginner shots. I was just playing with Don's camera at my cousin's birthday party. These are some of my favorites that I took:

As I do more practicing, I'll share my progress.


viluinen said...

i really like these pictures you took! my favorite is the one with the two dogs running and fighting over the tennis ball :)

i think two of the most important things about taking pictures are light (where it comes from and how much of it is there) and framing. you really want to look through the lens (or screen) and think what you want the picture to look like and what you want in it. try different framings.

sometimes i also think about scrapbooking while taking a picture. i think, this would be a great picture cut round, so i zoom out so that there is enough space on the sides and the object small enough to cut out with my 3-inch-circle-cutter.

i'm completely self-taught too, i never ever studied it or had no-one to show me. i picked up my dad's film slr at age 16 and he showed me the basics and the rest i figured out by myself. so i am sure you can do it!

also, you can get used digital slr's for "cheap" (like i did) from someone who likes (and has the money) to update their gear all the time.

good luck! i'm excited! i'd love to see your photos as you learn more and more :)

p.s. i miss you!

imforever29 said...

You did a really good job. Your family looks great btw. I love the one of the dog with her booty in the air. =)