Apr 19, 2009

Exposure to Light (and Flowers and Dogs)

Yesterday I did some more photography practice. Yesterday's lesson was on exposure and how to make sure that you are getting the right amount of light to make your pictures come out correctly. The exercises had me turn the camera settings to "manual mode" and spend the day adjusting the aperture and shutter speed on my own. After all day of adjusting and snapping shots, I realized that while I am getting the hang of seeing things with an artistically photographic eye, I still have no concept of light compensation. This is obviously going to take a lot of practice. Most of my pictures still look a little too dark.

Mom and Don have a great place for practicing photography. They have a large yard with trees and flowers. It was fun to wander around the yard, going into areas I usually forget to check out because they are slightly hidden from view and finding the flowery treasures flourishing within.

It's also a great place to practice taking action shots as the dogs never seem to slow down while we're out there.

Mom and Don were taking advantage of the sunshine by doing some much needed yard maintenance. Derrick came out with me and took on the task of mowing the lawn. I had already established earlier in the week my intentions for the day, so I quickly grabbed the camera and headed out before they handed me some tools and foiled my plans. Surprisingly they didn't even make an attempt. They were very cool to just leave me to my experimenting.

I really love taking pictures! This morning I was sitting in the lobby of the church, waiting for the second service to begin and watching the people coming, going and greeting one another, and I kept thinking how beautiful these scenes would be to shoot in black and white.

I guess that means I'm on my way to becoming a true photographer. I just can't wait to get my own camera!

1 comment:

viluinen said...

you've got some good shots! my 3 personal favorites: the moss-covered (apple?) tree branch, the bench and the tulip buds.

yes, it is frustrating when you see things you want to take pictures of, and you're not carrying a camera with you. that is a good sign that you are now seeing things from through the lens, even if the lens isn't there. keep up the good work!

p.s. it is great to have those dogs to practice on, they are hard to shoot, they move fast and especially the black dog (name?) is challenging because of his color. but you've managed pretty well so far!