Feb 28, 2009

Dinner Theater

Those of you who knew me at Lee will probably remember how much I really loved going to see the theater productions that they put on. I went to every one while I was there and enjoyed each one. There's just something about college productions that I find very interesting. I'm not sure if it's the slight lack of pure professionalism or the sometimes familiar faces on the stage, but there is just little else that I would rather do than attend the latest play at whatever college is nearby.

One of the nice things about now working on a college campus is the easy access and constant knowledge of what the theater department is working on. My mom tries to get tickets to see as many of the plays that she can. We have a group that goes together whenever possible. The list of usual suspects include Mom, Don, my aunt Colynn, her husband Bill, me and my friend Barb.

Every year they do one big musical. Lee had a spring musical too. But the fun thing about Clark's musical performance is that it is also dinner theater. Which makes it my favorite performance of the year. This year's production was "The Sound of Music". Usually the Culinary Arts Department does the food for the dinner theater, but due to unfortunate budget cuts, this year they couldn't do it and we had to go with an outside source for dinner. It was good anyway. Yum!

It was a very good performance. One of the best that we've been to. Sometimes Clark likes to choose plays that are a little ... well, let's just say "controversial" in theme. But this was a nice, happy, family-friendly play with no hidden political statement buried within. And we had a great time. I especially loved the scenes with the Von Trapp children. The kids were way cute!

Bill wasn't able to make the play this time, so we brought grandma. Don was one lucky man, surrounded by a bunch of beautiful women. We jokingly referred to ourselves as his harem.

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