Mar 22, 2010

A Lunchtime Surprise

I was sitting at my desk thinking about lunch. I do that a lot between the hours of 8:00 am and 12:30 pm. Then after lunch I start thinking about dinner. Sometimes those thoughts are along the lines of wondering where I should go to eat, or what I should do during my free hour. Sometimes it's simply "why isn't it lunchtime yet???" But generally speaking, if you walk into my office during the morning hours, those are probably all you'd be interrupting.

Like I said, today I was sitting at my desk thinking of lunch. I had heard a commercial for Subway's "Five, five dollar foot-longs. . ." and I was imagining what I should put on mine when I go down to the one at the bottom of the hill. I had settled on a chicken, bacon and ranch (which has also been my recent Domino's usual lately). I was trying to decide what I would do after I got my sandwich, since I no longer have homework to do and I forgot both my book and my cell phone (with a fun bejeweled game on it) at home today, when a tall man in a hat walked in.

What a surprise to see Derrick! He had the day off and had some business to take care of on this side of town, so he thought he'd stop in and say hi. So I asked if he'd like to join me for lunch.

On our way down to Subway, Derrick called Grandma to see if she'd be interested in having a couple of grandkids over for lunch. Of course she was delighted to have us visit her. So we stopped and picked up sandwiches for me, Derrick, and Grandma, during which time Derrick and I had this conversation with the sandwich maker:

Derrick: You don't have Swiss cheese by any chance, do you?
Sandwhich Guy: No. But this stuff here is very similar.
Derrick: Nah. It's got to have the holes in it. It's not the same without the holes.
Me: Yeah, the holes are the best part.

It's alway funny to make a joke during a lunchtime rush because it takes them a second to register what was just said. Then they laugh and then the rest of the lunch rush seems a little less stressful to them.

Anyway, the rest of lunch was nice because I got to spend it visiting with my brother whom I rarely see (despite the fact that we share an apartment) and my grandma (who sees my brother even less than I do).

A very nice surprise indeed.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Jokes make the lunch rush less stressful? Have you ever worked in fast food?!?! It only gets less stressful when you go home and wash off all the smell/grease.
But at least you tried.
I liked your joke, btw. ;)