Mar 12, 2010


I've been doing some research online at tips and suggestions to improving my photos and the most common suggestion is to practice, practice, practice.

Well, duh. I knew that. I was looking for something a little more inspiring to keep "practice" from becoming repetative and boring. I  mean, I can only take so many pictures of my dog and the kids in nursery before my computer explodes out of redundency.

Naturally, scrapbooking offers many ways motivating me in my photography (afterall, that is why I want to take better pictures), but that also takes up a lot of time and creativity in itself. So, what else could I do to showcase my "art" and keep myself motivated?

How about "Project 365"?

I read about someone who committed to taking one picture every day. He told the reader about being able to look back on the year and not just remember, but also SEE the changes that happened over the year. He also said that by taking at least one photo every day, it was impossible not to improve his skill.

I had been toying with the idea of setting up a Photo of the Day type of blog, but I wasn't sure I was willing to commit to every day. But after reading his article, I feel like it might be a wise idea. The most important way to keep me motivated, he wrote, is to get my friends involved so that they can hold me accountable.

So, here it is, my newest, everyday (*gulp*) commitment: Through the Lense (my photo blog that is not on flickr). Enjoy the photos and please feel free to offer comments and suggestions. Feedback is how we grow.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Sounds like a fun idea. Good luck! I thought maybe this entry was going to be about vitamins...