Dec 28, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas

Christmas has come and gone. I have to say, it was a pretty good one. It had a few things missing: the snow like last year, my youngest brother, a couple of my cousins, and saddest of all, Bill and Grandpa. But overall, everything was as cheery as could be expected.

Derrick and I spent the Christmas Eve night at mom's house, as per our family tradition. Don's brother Scott was also there. Derrick was dog-sitting the neighbors pup (Jade's playmate), and Derrick, Scott, and I all brought our pets with us, so it was a very full house with five dogs, two cats, five humans, and a partridge in a pear tree. Okay, just kidding about the bird. But we wouldn't really have noticed if I wasn't.

Of course the big news for Christmas morning would be my new camera. I was so totally excited when I opened the gift. Every time anyone had asked me this year what I wanted for Christmas, my answer was always "A camera. But I know they are too expensive, so I don't really know what I want." I honestly did not expect them to get one for me. It's the SLR I had been talking all year about finding a way to get; a Nikon like Don's (which means I'm able to borrow his lenses), smaller in size than his so it doesn't hurt my hand to hold for long times. It takes really beautiful pictures (okay, I know, "camera's don't take good pictures; people do". But the quality is amazing and makes me feel more confident in my photography skills.)

Mom got the family a Wii for Christmas. That was pretty cool. Actually, Don wasn't too thrilled because he's never been much for video games. In fact, mom admitted that she almost took the Wii back before Christmas because Don had found it in the garage where she had hidden it and he expressed that he would not be pleased if it ended under the tree with his name on it. But we got it set up and popped in the Wii Sports game and started playing bowling. By the end of the day, we were all addicted. In fact, at 4:00 in the morning, mom and I were ready to call it quits and head to bed while Don, of all people, kept saying "One more game. Come on!"

No, we didnt' spend the entire day on Christmas playing the Wii. That was the next day. On Christmas we played for a little while in the morning and then we took a break to do the family part of the holiday. We always have dinner and exchange family gifts at Grandma's house on Christmas. We've taken to drawing names for the gift exchange each year and this year my cousing Angie and I managed to get each other's names. Angie was pretty easy: She simply wanted gift cards, so I got her one for Borders (cuz she likes to read) and one to JoAnne's Fabric (because she's crafty like I am, but more in the sewing area). Angie didn't have it as easy with me because as I said, I only wanted a camera (which was WAY outside the $20 price limit), and wasn't able to give her any ideas. But she's a creative girl and managed to come up with something great: Hot Chocolate! Yum!

Next to my fantastic and very unexpected camera, my favorite gift would be the one that Grandma gave to everyone. It wasn't a surprise since it actually had been my idea, but that didn't take away from the specialness of it. Grandma gave everyone pillows. Yes, pillows. The reason these pillows are so special to us is because they are pillows made from some of Grandpa's old shirts. Every year for Christmas I would give Grandpa a flannel shirt and he would wear it all year round. My pillow is made from one of his favorites. The flannel is well-worn and comfortable. I think everyone was really happy to get a little piece of Grandpa to keep with them.

Don't tell the rest of the family, but buying Grandpa's shirt was always my favorite Christmas present to get. I loved picking out what color to put him in this year. And I know he always loved whatever one I got him. I really missed that part this year.

It was a very full and wonderful Christmas indeed.
No, she's not fighting to get out of his arms. She's actually asleep!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Sounds like fun! I love the dog pictures - hilarious!!