Oct 7, 2009


Okay, I know I said that I don't really like to play favorites with the seasons, but truth be told, this time of year always makes my heart just a touch happier.

It's like that "Spring Fever" everyone else gets in April and May hits me in October.
Foggy mornings, chilly sunlight streaming in through my window, the readdition of sweaters and tights to my wardrobe, Saturday morning football games on TV while I snuggle in a fuzzy blanket. . . .

And with colors like these surrounding me, who can blame me for feeling just a little more romantic than usual?


Steph said...

Wow! Did you take all those pictures? Great job!

viluinen said...

i love the second last picture. i set it as my desktop background. hope you don't mind? :)

minä rakastan syksyä!!

Haddock said...

Love those pictures.
Wonderful creations of nature.