May 10, 2009

The Ultimate Girly Weekend

Mom and Don had a boat thing out of town this weekend, so she was gone for Mother's Day. I made the best of it by having a girls weekend.

It started on Saturday. I invited friends, coworkers, and fellow nursery workers to mom's house for a scrapbooking party. I invited a mixture of seasoned crafters and newbie scrappers. It was an open house type of event so that people could feel free to come and leave whenever they wanted. It worked out well because one person came early and left around noon to go to a family gathering and another person was able to spend the morning with her son and come out after she put him down for his afternoon nap so that his dad could get some stuff done too. We had about 7 or 8 people in total show up through out the day (which is actually a pretty good turnout).

Kristina and her mom brought the 8 week old J'sai out for his first crop party. It was a good chance for Kristina to get some pages done (which she hasn't been able to do for awhile due to the whole "new mother" thing) because there was no shortage of arms willing to hold the little guy.

The dogs all found the baby quite fascinating. Perhaps it was the novelty of such a tiny human. Every time we put him in his car seat or I bent down to get something off the floor while holding him, they would surround him and start licking him. Maybe baby skin tastes good to doggies. Poor J'sai did not like being a doggie popcicle.

Sunday was Mother's Day. With my mother out of town (and not being a mother myself) I was left to my own activities for the day. Originally, I had made plans with my aunt since her daughter now lives in Arizona, but in a sudden twist of circumstances, Sara and Ashton were able to come up to spend some time here in Washington. But the day Colynn and I had planned was too much fun for us to cancel, so instead we just brought them with us, which made the day even better.

We had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. Sara and Ashton had never been to one before and enjoyed the experience (except for the service. It was the only time we've ever had a problem with the service there). We chose BWW because Colynn and I both really enjoy it and we figured it wouldn't be too crowded since most people take the mothers to fancier places than a sports bar for Mother's Day.

After dinner we went to the new shopping area across from BWW and did a little girly shopping.

We paid Ashton a dollar to take our picture.

Poor Ashton had to suffer through dress try-ons and shoe fittings. Considering the fact that he's 7 and we were out and about for five hours or so doing NOT child-fun activities, I think he did pretty good.

Ashton and his monkey, Jake

I miss shopping. It's been so long and my poor closet feels so very neglected. But after my Sunday shopping with my aunt and cousin, I was able to add a few sundresses and a BEAUTIFUL pair of shoes to the set. I think my closet will be okay for a little while now.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Looks like you had fun! J'sai is getting so big!