May 2, 2009

National Scrapbooking Day

Finally! A holiday I can appreciate and take part in!

My friend Barb's company was hosting a scrapbooking event in celebration of National Scrapbooking Day today. She invited me and I of course accepted immediately. Even despite the fact that it started at 9:00, which meant giving up my one sleeping in day, I was very excited to participate. We packed up our Cricut machine and multitude of papers, stickers, photos, and cartridges and carted them out to her company.

It was fun. I like being with other scrapbookers. I find it facinating to look at all the different ideas and styles and creations that different people come up with. I was also pleasantly surprised to find another Cricut believer who had cartridges I have been looking for and they were more than happy to share with us.

By the time we decided to clean up our table and head home (around 4:00), Barb had completed 5 whole pages and I had done 5 and a half (I realized toward the end that I had left something I needed at home and figured I'd finish when I got back to it).

I finished the "half" page when I got home and then continued on to finish one more for a total of 7 pages. I think it was a very productive day.

I'm planning a scrapbooking party next weekend too. It will be at mom's house and I've invited several people over to join me. Some are even new to the art of scrapbooking, people I've chatted with about my hobby who have expressed interest in learning. I'm really looking forward to doing some more pages. I think today's activities are what I needed to get me motivated to work on my books again.

By the way (not that anyone really cares), the book I started working on today was my Death Valley trip. I'm hoping to get it finised by the time DJ comes home so that we can look through it together while he's here.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Great pages! You have a gift!