Mar 2, 2009

The Wonderful (and Wacky) Washington Weather

This morning I was sitting at my desk and the light filtering through the colorful Easter eggs decals that I had put on my window last week kept distracting me from the papers in front of me. It was so cheerful and spring-like that I just couldn't help but smile every time I turned and gazed outside. Finally I decided that I would take a picture of the pretty colors and hope it would inspire me for some creative project later down the road. A few hours later, I looked out the window and suddenly got the inspiration. But it wasn't what I thought it would be.

The weather in Washington can be fickle. People joke that if you don't like the weather around here, just wait 5 minutes and it will change. I finally have proof of that theory:

11:53 am -

1:54 pm -

2:30 pm -

3:52 pm -

And just before I left work at 4:58 pm -

I've heard rumor that there are places on the planet that don't have surprises when it comes to the weather. The people who live in those places know how to dress at all times and know what can be expected when they walk outside. I say, what's the fun in that?

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