May 12, 2011

Day 4: A Song to Match My Mood

All day I thought on this challenge. The hardest part was deciding on which moment to pick a song from. Most days, I go through a few different moods and emotions, so it's hard to pin down just one long enough to find a song to match it. Usually just as I start to find that perfect song, I realize my mood has changed and the song no longer applies.

So, instead of viewing "mood" as a particular feeling at whatever moment I'm considering. I thought of my "mood" as my general outlook on my life. And when I put it that perspective, the song was stunningly obvious.

It's this song that I randomly break into when I'm driving down the road, or walking to the mailbox, or putting my freashly laundered clothes away. This is the song that discribes how I felt my life has moved over the past year. And it's an outlook I hope stays with me, even when it starts to "rain" on me again.

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