May 24, 2011

Day 16: A Letter to Someone Who Has Hurt Me Recently

Dear Deema,

I know you were a little worried about this challenge because things have been going so well lately that you can't remember the last time someone hurt you. But was it really necessary to take it out on me? I mean, it's not like you had a bad day at work, so you weren't slamming around the office in a bad mood. And it's not like you haven't been sitting at that particular desk for about 10 months now. You know how high the desk sits, so why do you have to keep slamming my knee into it like you don't realize it was there. Big, ugly bruises don't really go with my lady-like outfits, you know. And it turns out that today you managed to hit a nerve of some kind, so now I'm limping. How do you expect me to wear my pretty heels with confidence and attitude tomorrow?

I understand that you get distracted, and I try to ignore the occasional bump every now and then, but I'd really appreciate it if you would be a little more gentle on my body in the future. It's starting to get old and you really need to start taking better care of it. In return, I'm sure my body will give you many good years with your husband.

Thanks for understanding,

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