Jun 19, 2010

A Very Busy Saturday!

With all the stuff going on in our lives right now, Jeff and I realized that we would have to "schedule" our time together. As sad as that sounds, it seems to work for us. Except for one small problem: so much of our scheduled together time is tied up in other activities (church, bible study, volleyball) that we are left with only one day free and too many activities to try and pack into it.

Today for example:

My friends Ron and Christy had invited Jeff and I over for dinner so that they could get a chance to get to know him. But Jeff had an "End of the School Year" party with his coworkers from the school that day and had already invited me to go with him. So we had to figure out how to work both activities into one day.

We started with an early dinner with Ron and Christy and Corban and Sam. I was rather impressed with how easily he connected with Corban. They got along really well and even built a Lego building together, so Christy is pretty sure that he got Corban's thumbs up. :)
Ron and Christy both seem to like Jeff (because, honestly, who wouldn't?) and he got along really well with them. Jeff told me later that he'd like to get a chance to talk more to Ron. I think they will have fun discussing guns and other boy stuff.

After we spent a few hours with Ron and Christy, we headed out to the company party. It was at the principal's house which was a very large property. There was a band of staff members playing when we arrived (we were very late due to our dinner engagement) in the barn. Jeff introduced me to a few people and we wandered around the party to see what all was going on. Jeff's coworker had built a HUGE fire that could cook me from ten feet away. After the band finished playing, they brought out the karoke, which Jeff was ready to take part of. He sang a couple of times, and I have to admit, surprised me with his voice.
He's so cute that I even permitted him to sing that song; the one I hate to hear; the one I hate so much that I was going to ban it from my ball. Blah. But he sang it with a few other coworkers and I have to grudgingly say it wasn't half bad. Considering.

I'm so lucky to have met a guy so willing to compromise with me. I'm not used to having someone else put my activities as a priority on his list of things to do. It's a very nice change.

(And for the record, now that I've written about it, that stupid song is now running through my head, which is one of the main reasons that I HATE that song so much!)

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