Jun 13, 2010

Not Who I Thought She Was. . .

We've been asked so many times what kind of dog Lucca is and we're never sure, so Derrick decided it was time to do a DNA test on her. So the last time we took the dogs in for a vet visit, we asked them about the test. The vet told us that yes, they could do that and hey, we were in luck because the test was on sale (what does that even mean???) We figured since we were getting a deal on it, and because some of our neighbors were insistent that she was part Pit Bull (and treating her with the fear that comes with the prejudice), we decided to have Jade tested too.

It took many weeks to get the results back. MANY weeks. But finally, the big news arrived. And I'm so amazed at what we learned that I feel the need to share our findings:

Lucca: Our hyper-active teddy bear turns out to actually be a mix of three different types of dogs.

Bull terrier + schnauzer + chow chow = Lucca

Interesting. It explains a bit about her personality. Especially the digging in my walls part (yeah, she's currently working on another hole. She's sneaky and onrey.)

The big surprise was in Jade's results. We'd been told that she was part Lab, part Boxer. We didn't really think she was Pit Bull as some others seemed to. But in reality:

Jade = Mostly black Lab (at least 75%) + American Bull Dog (at least 25%)

I feel like my world has been turned upside down. I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that Jade has no Boxer, but instead Bull Dog. I mean, it makes sense. I can see the traits in both her body and her personality. But for over a year, I thought she was one thing and it turns out that she's something else all together. Wow. . .

1 comment:

Steph said...

I can see Jade's results make sense. But I think it's hilarious that Lucca has Chow Chow... what?
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing.