Dec 29, 2008

An Introduction (of sorts)

One of the greatest things about the internet is the ability to locate long-lost friends. It's been amazing, all the people I've been able to reconnect with after so much time has past: college buddies, high school pals, my junior high BFF, and surprisingly, even elementary school playmates. Who would have thought it at all possible?

Unfortunately, once the connection has been re-established, the same series of questions surface: "What have you been up to the last (however many number) of years?" and then "What's going on in your life now? Where do you live? What are you doing? Married? Kids?" How do you sum up a lifetime of choices and actions and experiences in one silly e-mail? And even if I could figure out the best way to highlight the path from where we once knew each other to where I am standing today, it takes a lot to rewrite the story over and over again for each individual. There must be a better way...!

Apparently, that's what myspace and facebook are about: staying connected to far away friends. But it's still a lot of work when half your friends find you on one and the other half find you on the other. I suppose I could close one of the two and exclusively report to the other. But think of all the friends I'd have missed out if I hadn't had both set up. No, that doesn't work so well for me. But I still have the problem of blogging on two different venues (well, actually three if you want to include my long-forgotten livejournal that did it's job way back when), not to mention trying to remember where all I need to upload pictures to share.

I think that sometimes having too many options may not be the best thing afterall. Maybe there is such a thing as too much of a good thing....

Lately my co-workers have been discribing my life as "exciting" and "fun". Not exactly the words I would have chosen, but at least they are entertained and I'm interested. But why should my co-workers have all the fun? Maybe it's time to start writing again, recounting my adventures in life, love, and fairy tales. And then, the next time my friends ask what I've been up to for x number of years, I can just point them in this direction for a summary of who I am today.

But before I can share the adventures of the Deema of today, I need to catch the Deema of yesterday up so everyone knows where she's coming from. So, a brief recap of the past x number of years:

Elementary school, jr. high, first boyfriend, high school, graduation, college in Tennessee, another boyfriend, first apartment with roommates (followed by several other apartments), first real job (hotel), college graduation, cross-country drive back to Washington, more hotel work, new apartment (all by myself), a grown-up job (payroll), a major broken heart, Prozac, "The Best Year Ever" and a new friend who would be the best boyfriend yet except for the fact that we both know we don't want the same things and so we're just expiration-dating (meaning that our dating life has a shelf life that will expire eventually). Oh, and I have a cat.

I think that pretty much catches everyone up, so now we can begin the amusing tale that is the life and times of Deema.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh..look at Esther..she is still so pretty =)

viluinen said...

nice to hear from you, deema! i'll be excited to read your blog. -riikka
p.s. the boys say hi! we'll come see you in feb-march.