May 23, 2010

Saturday: A Story

I had a really bad headache on Friday night. As the Bible study wore on, it steadily (and rapidly) grew into a full blown migraine. I'm talking tightening-vice, squeeze your eyeballs out, sensory overload, sick to your stomach migraine. I managed to make it through the study, but I couldn't stay for the hang out time afterwards. I was just in too much pain. So, I don't have anything interesting to give you guys about Friday.

Saturday morning I woke up to a completely silent house. Everyone else was asleep in their rooms, dogs included, and I had free reign of a silent, video-game-free living room. So I wandered downstairs with my very slight migraine hangover to start flipping through the TV, searching for the right Saturday morning animation to wake me up.

I was still in the process of enjoying the quietness of my extra-full apartment when the phone rang. In an unusual act of good will, I actually answered the phone. It was one of the guys from my community group checking on my head. After establishing that I was feeling much better, he invited me out for some ice cream to finish a conversation we had intended to pick up after Bible study the night before.

We decided on Ice Cream Renaissance for our visit. It's this cool, artsy ice cream shop that makes the most delicious ice cream art. Really. The even call themselves ice cream artists. For them, it's all about the presentation. The fact that the ice cream is every bit as tasty as it is artful is just an added bonus. I've been there a few times and really like it, but I had never been there on a Saturday afternoon before. Apparently that's the time to go because there was one, MAYBE two, other people besides us in there. The perfect place for two non-coffee drinkers to meet for a chat. We talked for awhile about lots of things: church, ministries, our families, our friends, movies we like or absolutely despise. It was a lot of fun.

I'll be honest, though, my favorite part of the afternoon was at the end when we were walking back to the cars and he tried to find the right words to gauge my interest in getting together with him again sometime in the future. I can't say I've ever seen anyone fumble around for words like that before. Then he said "I'm so bad at this" and gave it one more try. It was rather cute. I told him yes, I'd like that. Then we said we'd see each other at church tomorrow and headed off to our other Saturday activities.

A few hours later, I drove up to my Grandma's house. As I walked in the door and tried to keep the barking, jumping, miniture dogs from using their freshly groomed nails to shred my new nylons, Grandma looked at me with delighted surprise and asked what I was doing over there. "Meeting you and mom for dinner." I replied, very matter-of-factly. Grandma was very excited; she didn't realize that mom had invited me to join their "girls night out, dinner and play" evening.

We went to Taste of Asia for dinner. What can I say, my family is rather fond of those yummy Chinese dishes. Mom and I are especially fond of the assortment of sushi that they carry. I had my first Coke in two days (which may account for the sudden migraine attack the day before) and all felt right with the world.

After dinner, we headed up to the college to get our tickets for the play. It was called "Doubt: A Parable" and we were curious to see what questions it was going to raise and then not answer (because you can't really expect something called "Doubt" to leave you with any kind of certainty in the end, can you?) Colynn would be meeting us at the college, so we wanted to get there early enough to get four seats together.

When mom went to the box office to purchase the tickets, she found out that they had no ushers for that showing. So being the financially-savvy woman that my mother is, she volunteer herself and her daughter to help usher (and thereby get the two of us into the show for free!) I had never ushered before, but it was pretty simple. Rows 1-3 by the door, 4-13 in the middle, 14-16 on the end, no row A, rows B-M in order going to the back of the theater. Mom and I each put a couple in the wrong seat only once. All other seat mishaps were their own faults.

The play was interesting. Just as suspected, there was no clear answer at the end. It left the story so ambigious that we were able to have a discussion afterwards about whether we believed the priest was innocent or guilty of the crime he was accused of (for the record, I prefer to still believe the best in the religious leaders, and feel confident that he was innocent. Mom, on the otherhand, was convinced that he was guilty. Interesting indeed)

After the play, I mentioned ice cream to my fellow show girls and we decided it would be fun for them to try something new and different, so we all went over for my second helping of Ice Cream Renaissance. YUM!

By the time I got home, it was late and I was too tired to write up the blog as I had promised Colynn I would, so instead I promised myself I'd "do it tomorrow" and quickly drifted off to a land filled with Chocolate, Honey Vanilla, Peanut Butter, and Strawberry flavored dreams. And I shall leave it up to your brilliant minds to determine the nature of those sugary sweet dreams. :)

1 comment:

Steph said...

What a fun day!