Feb 20, 2010


Spring is clearly on it's way in. The past week or so, it's been sunny and mild every day. It makes it hard to willingly sit in my office instead of running home to grab my energetic doggie and heading off to the park. Wednesday I did give it a semi-attempt by coming home after work, changing clothes, picking up the dogs and Barb and heading over to the dog park, but we haven't reached the time of year yet were we can make it more than two laps around the park before it's too dark to see the black dogs.

But today was a bright and sunny Saturday with no commitments on my plate, so I decided it was time to indulge us all in some outdoor playtime. Derrick was off from work, so I also took the neighbor and her two kids out with us. Gotta love our local dog-park. Derrick could hang out in the fenced-in dog area while Jackie played with her kids on the playground and I'm free to play shutterbug without the distraction of responsibility.

I haven't gotten a whole lot of time to practice on my camera lately. I've taken my camera with me the last few weeks to church and got some great practice shots of the nursery, but I can't post those to show my progress. I have figured out how to take multiple shots at once, which makes taking my action shots a lot easier. I've also come to accept that in order to get a scrapbook page's worth of pics, I need to take TONS of shots. I'm still working on things like framing, lighting, apature and all that other technical stuff, but I'm pretty happy with how some of these photos came out.


The kids had a great time, as you would expect. And of course the dogs were in doggie heaven. All four of them crashed almost immediately upon our return home.

These pictures and more can also be viewed on my facebook: Playing at the Park Photos

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