Jun 25, 2009

A Rough Couple of Weeks

I want to apologize to all of my readers, and friends, for my extended silence lately. There's been so much going on and I've been wanting to let everyone know what's been going on with me, but I've been having a hard time putting it all into words. It's just been a bit overwhelming for me to sort through.

I miss my grandpa so much. So much more than I ever thought that I would. I mean, don't get me wrong, I always knew that I would be sad when he was gone, but I never realized how much I would miss his presence. I know I promised to write a tribute for him, like the one I did for Bill, but I just haven't been able to get there. It's taking me a long time to work my way through the grieving stages and at times it seems like I keep defaulting back to denial. I did the memory board for Grandpa's service, the last thing I was able to do for him, and while it turned out beautiful beyond what I had imagined, it was so hard for me to do. At one point I found myself crying about how no matter how much I do, it wouldn't be near enough to tell the full story of the wonderful man that was my grandfather.

DJ came into town a week earlier than we had been anticipating. We were very glad to have him here for the extra week.

I'm trying to get back to my normal routine, back to daily life, but it's been hard when my work weeks are disrupted for personal days dealing with loss. But I know we'll all get there eventually.

And in the meantime, I will continue dealing as best I can. I'm sorry that I don't have more to say, or at least more I can put into adequate words. And eventually, I will give you more and try to tell the story of the great man I miss so much. For now, the memory board will have to do. (Sorry, the photos don't do it justice, but here's a glimpse into his life).

These were my favorite pictures. I loved seeing him as Dad. Mom said he was an amazing dad.

Grandpa's favorite activity was fishing, so I made sure to include many pics of that.

Grandpa was a great example to his kids (and his grandkids) of what true love should look like.

There was never any doubt about how much Grandpa loved Grandma.

Grandpa's Happily Ever After was his family and he let each of us know the importance of our own part. I'm glad I got to be a part of his family, of his life, and of his story.

1 comment:

Steph said...

It looks like he was a great man indeed. You have cause to miss him.