Apr 2, 2009

The April Fools

Stephanie came down to Vancouver this week to spend the kids' Spring Break with friends and family. I decided that since her weekends are all booked up, to choose a day during the week and play hooky from work to play with them while they are here. I also thought it would be fun to spend the day with Jade, so it was looking to be a very fun-filled skip day.

In the grand tradition of Washington weather, we had a very wet and slightly cold day yesterday. But you know what they say about April showers.... I guess that's why we've got such a beautiful state, but man, the rain can be such a drag!

We started our afternoon by visiting our friend (and my old roommate) Kristina and her new baby. Kristina welcomed us in with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and cold milk (what a great hostess!) Steph was surprised when her oldest son asked if he could hold the little one.

While the adults chatted and the kids passed the baby around, Jade ran around the house with Ginger, Kristina's mom's dog.

Just about the time that the kids figured out where the big screen TV was and started watching a movie, Steph and I decided it was time to say good-bye to Kristina and J'sai and go to our next destination. We packed up the crew and headed over to the City of Vancouver where Steph used to work.

Despite the fact that mom works at the City and would be there to see her, Jade was very displeased at this stop. While she was happy to see mom (her Grandma, whom she loves a lot), she hated that we made her keep her halti on while we were there. She spent most of the time pouting at us.

After Steph got her fill of catching up with her old coworkers, we decided it was time to reward the kids (and Jade) for their patience by taking them to the park. Unfortunately, it was still raining outside. But the kids were insistant and Jade just wanted to run, so we stopped.

I had my umberella with me, but that doesn't keep me from getting cold, so after awhile, Steph and I decided to go sit in the car while the kids played. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that Jade wouldn't continue playing with them if she couldn't see me. So she jumped into the car with us (getting my clothes muddy) and laid down on my lap. She slept the entire way home. It was an adventurous day for the puppy and she was exhausted.

And that was my hooky day with the Cranes. Oh, and ps: the weather was much less wet today. Of course.

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