Dec 21, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

Okay. You win. All of you.

I've been a very bad blogger the last six months and I am sincerly ashamed of myself.

Too much has happened for me to completely fill you in with one entry. I'm not even going to try. I'll give you a brief summary of the past six months, and fill in the rest with random "flashback" entries:

I'm engaged!

Jeff has turned out to be a better leading man than I could ever have imagined. And he wants to continue playing the part for the rest of our lives. I'm more than happy to accept.

I'm still in shock at the moment. I've been an engaged woman for four days now and it still doesn't feel real. Tonight I told the rest of the family and so now all the people who needed to be told in person have been informed, with squeals of delight, hardy congratulations, and a few overjoyed tears being shed. Just moments ago, I officially changed my status on facebook, knowing full well that in three short months I will be changing it once again and for the last time.

The rest is a blur. Dates, dresses, bridesmaids, flowers, choices, choices, choices. And all this while trying to finish the Christmas stuff. It all makes the past six months fade in comparison.

And in the midst of it all, I'm happy. Happy to be loved, happy to be in love, and happy to have found such an amazing man to spend the rest of my life with.

Everything else becomes just background noise.

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