Mar 20, 2010

Another Day at the Park

Today was such a nice day that we decided to take the kids and the dogs to the park again. I won't bore you with yet ANOTHER post of pictures of the kids on swings and slides and the dogs carrying sticks. Well, at least not ONLY of the kids and dogs.

Today I decided to wander a little more around the park and check out the skate park area. It was pretty cool watching the kids doing their tricks and stuff.

Oh, and something I've never seen before: an iguana in a pink tutu.

By the time I got the pic, they were removing the humiliation from the poor creature. But it was there (and it was pretty funny!)

1 comment:

Steph said...

Poor iguana, being forced to frolic among children and dogs. Where's the justice?! When is Vancouver going to step up and create the off-leash lizard park? I'm going to write to the city council.