Mar 7, 2009

Girls' Night Out

I've had a lot of Girls' Nights Out. But this one had a brand new twist. It had a very interesting first for me. Before I tell you all about it, I'm going to warn you: Some of my readers are going to scowl in disappointment, most of my readers will laugh and pat me on the back (metaphorically, of course) for actually "going there", and a handful of you lovely readers will probably experience a mixture of the two thoughts. But the fact of the matter is, I had fun and I feel good, so whatever your thoughts to my night, it was a great experience.

My friend Lupe is getting married next week. It's a little weird for me. It's been hard enough watching my childhood friends go off and find the love of their lives, but Lupe is from my younger brother's group. She's my friend Miriam's younger sister. Which makes her like my younger sister. Being 31 and single, the last thing you want to do is watch your younger sisters getting married.

But I love Lupe and I don't begrudge her the happiness that I hope to experience. So, tonight I dressed myself up and went to her bachelorette party, making sure to leave any envy and self-pity that I normally would feel at home so I wouldn't bring down the party.

I had fun dressing up for a night out again. I've become so careless and lazy in my appearance lately that I've almost forgotten how fun it can be. I painted my toenails so that my feet would look pretty in my silver sandals. Then I took the straight iron to my freshly colored hair and finally sat down to apply my makeup. After finishing the face coloring and getting dressed (stayed pretty causal with a pair of jeans and a cute black top), I added the finishing touch: the sparkles. Why don't I do that more often anymore? I used to wear the sparkles all the time, but lately....

I was dressed for the hippest of clubs and I have to admit, I looked pretty good. I was ready to party with the best of them. But the party wasn't going to be heading out to a bar or club; we were hanging out at Miriam's.

There were about 8 of us there. Well, 9 with the mother of the bride. Miriam had spent the day cleaning, decorating, and cooking for the party and it paid off. The place looked amazing and fun. They had all the necessary bachelorette party items (straws, balloons, and candy all shaped like penises, a game called "Pin the Junk on the Hunk", and colorful frosting to decorate our own individual-sized penis cakes).

At 7:00, we got a male visitor and that is when the fun REALLY started (although it was at that point when Miriam and Lupe's mom decided to abandon the party).
A LOT of pictures got taken (as well as some video footage) but I am not going to put them up on the blog, mostly because I don't want to have to label my blog as "adult content", but also because I promised the other girls that I would be discreet in sharing the evidence. If you'd like to see the incriminating photos (don't get excited, I'm mostly the one behind the camera), let me know and I'll send you the link to the online album. It was a pretty wild and crazy night.

When Sexy McNaked finished up and had to leave, he gave us all his cards (in case we ever need him to help us celebrate another wedding, or birthday, or Tuesday...) and some 2 for 1 entries into the club where he works (and was incidentally heading off to from us). Most of the girls decided to relocate the party to the more public venue with the same scenery, but Miriam and I decided to pass. I guess that's what comes of getting old; we had our fun and wanted to turn in early.

But it WAS fun while it lasted....

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